域适应是一种解决未经看线环境中缺乏大量标记数据的技术。提出了无监督的域适应,以使模型适用于使用单独标记的源数据和未标记的目标域数据的新模式。虽然已经提出了许多图像空间域适配方法来捕获像素级域移位,但是这种技术可能无法维持分割任务的高电平语义信息。对于生物医学图像的情况,在域之间的图像转换操作期间,诸如血管的细细节可能会丢失。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种模型,它使用周期 - 一致丢失在域之间适应域,同时通过在适应过程中强制执行基于边缘的损耗来维持原始图像的边缘细节。我们通过将其与其他两只眼底血管分割数据集的其他方法进行比较来证明我们的算法的有效性。与SOTA和〜5.2增量相比,我们达到了1.1〜9.2递增的骰子分数。
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We propose a new causal inference framework to learn causal effects from multiple, decentralized data sources in a federated setting. We introduce an adaptive transfer algorithm that learns the similarities among the data sources by utilizing Random Fourier Features to disentangle the loss function into multiple components, each of which is associated with a data source. The data sources may have different distributions; the causal effects are independently and systematically incorporated. The proposed method estimates the similarities among the sources through transfer coefficients, and hence requiring no prior information about the similarity measures. The heterogeneous causal effects can be estimated with no sharing of the raw training data among the sources, thus minimizing the risk of privacy leak. We also provide minimax lower bounds to assess the quality of the parameters learned from the disparate sources. The proposed method is empirically shown to outperform the baselines on decentralized data sources with dissimilar distributions.
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Video understanding is a growing field and a subject of intense research, which includes many interesting tasks to understanding both spatial and temporal information, e.g., action detection, action recognition, video captioning, video retrieval. One of the most challenging problems in video understanding is dealing with feature extraction, i.e. extract contextual visual representation from given untrimmed video due to the long and complicated temporal structure of unconstrained videos. Different from existing approaches, which apply a pre-trained backbone network as a black-box to extract visual representation, our approach aims to extract the most contextual information with an explainable mechanism. As we observed, humans typically perceive a video through the interactions between three main factors, i.e., the actors, the relevant objects, and the surrounding environment. Therefore, it is very crucial to design a contextual explainable video representation extraction that can capture each of such factors and model the relationships between them. In this paper, we discuss approaches, that incorporate the human perception process into modeling actors, objects, and the environment. We choose video paragraph captioning and temporal action detection to illustrate the effectiveness of human perception based-contextual representation in video understanding. Source code is publicly available at https://github.com/UARK-AICV/Video_Representation.
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Video anomaly detection (VAD) -- commonly formulated as a multiple-instance learning problem in a weakly-supervised manner due to its labor-intensive nature -- is a challenging problem in video surveillance where the frames of anomaly need to be localized in an untrimmed video. In this paper, we first propose to utilize the ViT-encoded visual features from CLIP, in contrast with the conventional C3D or I3D features in the domain, to efficiently extract discriminative representations in the novel technique. We then model long- and short-range temporal dependencies and nominate the snippets of interest by leveraging our proposed Temporal Self-Attention (TSA). The ablation study conducted on each component confirms its effectiveness in the problem, and the extensive experiments show that our proposed CLIP-TSA outperforms the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods by a large margin on two commonly-used benchmark datasets in the VAD problem (UCF-Crime and ShanghaiTech Campus). The source code will be made publicly available upon acceptance.
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Air pollution is an emerging problem that needs to be solved especially in developed and developing countries. In Vietnam, air pollution is also a concerning issue in big cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities where air pollution comes mostly from vehicles such as cars and motorbikes. In order to tackle the problem, the paper focuses on developing a solution that can estimate the emitted PM2.5 pollutants by counting the number of vehicles in the traffic. We first investigated among the recent object detection models and developed our own traffic surveillance system. The observed traffic density showed a similar trend to the measured PM2.5 with a certain lagging in time, suggesting a relation between traffic density and PM2.5. We further express this relationship with a mathematical model which can estimate the PM2.5 value based on the observed traffic density. The estimated result showed a great correlation with the measured PM2.5 plots in the urban area context.
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Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli (GLMB) densities arise in a host of multi-object system applications analogous to Gaussians in single-object filtering. However, computing the GLMB filtering density requires solving NP-hard problems. To alleviate this computational bottleneck, we develop a linear complexity Gibbs sampling framework for GLMB density computation. Specifically, we propose a tempered Gibbs sampler that exploits the structure of the GLMB filtering density to achieve an $\mathcal{O}(T(P+M))$ complexity, where $T$ is the number of iterations of the algorithm, $P$ and $M$ are the number hypothesized objects and measurements. This innovation enables an $\mathcal{O}(T(P+M+\log(T))+PM)$ complexity implementation of the GLMB filter. Convergence of the proposed Gibbs sampler is established and numerical studies are presented to validate the proposed GLMB filter implementation.
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Video paragraph captioning aims to generate a multi-sentence description of an untrimmed video with several temporal event locations in coherent storytelling. Following the human perception process, where the scene is effectively understood by decomposing it into visual (e.g. human, animal) and non-visual components (e.g. action, relations) under the mutual influence of vision and language, we first propose a visual-linguistic (VL) feature. In the proposed VL feature, the scene is modeled by three modalities including (i) a global visual environment; (ii) local visual main agents; (iii) linguistic scene elements. We then introduce an autoregressive Transformer-in-Transformer (TinT) to simultaneously capture the semantic coherence of intra- and inter-event contents within a video. Finally, we present a new VL contrastive loss function to guarantee learnt embedding features are matched with the captions semantics. Comprehensive experiments and extensive ablation studies on ActivityNet Captions and YouCookII datasets show that the proposed Visual-Linguistic Transformer-in-Transform (VLTinT) outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods on accuracy and diversity.
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Recognizing handwriting images is challenging due to the vast variation in writing style across many people and distinct linguistic aspects of writing languages. In Vietnamese, besides the modern Latin characters, there are accent and letter marks together with characters that draw confusion to state-of-the-art handwriting recognition methods. Moreover, as a low-resource language, there are not many datasets for researching handwriting recognition in Vietnamese, which makes handwriting recognition in this language have a barrier for researchers to approach. Recent works evaluated offline handwriting recognition methods in Vietnamese using images from an online handwriting dataset constructed by connecting pen stroke coordinates without further processing. This approach obviously can not measure the ability of recognition methods effectively, as it is trivial and may be lack of features that are essential in offline handwriting images. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the Transferring method to construct a handwriting image dataset that associates crucial natural attributes required for offline handwriting images. Using our method, we provide a first high-quality synthetic dataset which is complex and natural for efficiently evaluating handwriting recognition methods. In addition, we conduct experiments with various state-of-the-art methods to figure out the challenge to reach the solution for handwriting recognition in Vietnamese.
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Image captioning is currently a challenging task that requires the ability to both understand visual information and use human language to describe this visual information in the image. In this paper, we propose an efficient way to improve the image understanding ability of transformer-based method by extending Object Relation Transformer architecture with Attention on Attention mechanism. Experiments on the VieCap4H dataset show that our proposed method significantly outperforms its original structure on both the public test and private test of the Image Captioning shared task held by VLSP.
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Image quality assessment (IQA) forms a natural and often straightforward undertaking for humans, yet effective automation of the task remains highly challenging. Recent metrics from the deep learning community commonly compare image pairs during training to improve upon traditional metrics such as PSNR or SSIM. However, current comparisons ignore the fact that image content affects quality assessment as comparisons only occur between images of similar content. This restricts the diversity and number of image pairs that the model is exposed to during training. In this paper, we strive to enrich these comparisons with content diversity. Firstly, we relax comparison constraints, and compare pairs of images with differing content. This increases the variety of available comparisons. Secondly, we introduce listwise comparisons to provide a holistic view to the model. By including differentiable regularizers, derived from correlation coefficients, models can better adjust predicted scores relative to one another. Evaluation on multiple benchmarks, covering a wide range of distortions and image content, shows the effectiveness of our learning scheme for training image quality assessment models.
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